To Universities & Chief Housing Officers:
What bed room upgrades are universities moving too? Are families expecting more? What does this years budget afford?
Trends: Full size mattresses, cool gel memory foam, euro-tops, and better quality mattresses that are just like home and look nothing like the simple beds from days past.
Better college life begins with a more upscale residence room and of course a more comfortable bed. Pelican Mattress incorporates an in house foam fabrication operation, 3 quilting machines, a clean air sewing room, and three building lines to assemble your new mattresses.
Large scale orders over 1000 mattresses are made and delivered and installed on time throughout the U.S.
Need a new mattress specification designed?
Snare satisfied student residents with a better bed. Since 1920, Pelican Mattress Factory in Baton Rouge, Louisiana controls cost and quality and we can even help you design your next upgrade. Our operation is nimble enough to lay out options that will add a wow factor to your amenities list that will attract and keep your residents content. Plus, Pelican Mattress Factory is a company that does this one thing, make mattresses the right way, since 1920.
The Dorm Safe Mattress
Multiple Variations
Is Pelican Mattress Factory on your approved vendor list?
All Foam. Or, Innerspring. Residence Halls demand a student proof solution, and we have the specification in materials and construction to handle just that. Options are available in cover construction, zipper construction, foam layer choice, dimensional size, and even a compressed roll-pack option. Our kevlar threading is tough too. Keep in mind, the comfort level is high and your students & campers will be happy.